Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Saying goodbye to the Big Apple.

So here it is a few days after i left NYC and i sit in bed thinking of all the things i could be doing if i had a metro pass and a city with endless possibilities. It is nice to be sitting in a bed and not a hardwood floor, but i feel, once again, like i am not in the right place. 
I heard an amazing explanation of why NYC is called the big apple and it comes down to biblical times and taking too much of something that may have an effect on others. It's really hard to explain, but it made sense. I think i may have to be high to explain it. Someday...
To catch you all up here is a run down of the remainder of my stay in NYC. 
Monday 1/21
It was MLK day, but Mat still had to work so i just hung around the apartment till he got back. It was ridiculously cold outside so when he brought me for a tour of Brooklyn 7th Ave we headed back home shortly after. 
Around 3 PM we headed into the city to stand in line for The Daily Show. It wasn't so bad of a wait and surprisingly warm outside. The show was amazing and i was amazed how much studio space there was. It looks so tiny on screen and even being around such stages all the time, i was still was amazed. 
We got out around 7 PM and got a text from Shawn telling me that Heath Ledger was dead. I was shocked and saddened by this news and still today want to cry when i think of his family and his 2 year old daughter. I was reminded that "people die everyday in Iraq". And to this i say that i have not been moved by those people personally. Not only to think that he was only 2 years older than me, he was a big part of my life. More than a few times i have watched his work and been brought to tears. I am saddened by this event and my heart goes out to all those who loved him. 
On a lighter note, Mat recognized one of the interns from the show at the train station we were at. I asked her a lot of questions and told her how lucky she was, she agreed. I don't think i am getting a job there anytime soon, not unless i want to work for free. Though i realized that in ATL this thing would never happen. We would just get in our cars and go home. No interaction with others. 
My last full day in NYC and i wanted to make it memorable. I left the apartment and went to visit a good friend from college, Teresa, she lives at 107th and Central Park West! It was one of those locations that anyone would be lucky to live in. Maybe she can adopt me! Too bad she just had a baby 3 weeks ago and i could swear that she had never left him with her husband. She called 3 times in less than an hour, and it was honestly the cutest thing. I forget that sometimes my life is changing and that my friends are married and have children. I feel like such an adult. 
We went to a cafe/ crepes restaurant that was amazing. I had french onion soup with cheese and croutons...we will talk about how this later. And then i talked myself into a crepe with strawberries, bananas, and Nutella drizzled on top. yeah it was amazing. 
I went on my own adventure to Union Square and found a shop that does threading. As a woman i deal with pucking and waxing all the time and this was the most interesting experience. they take normal thread and pull out all of your unwanted hair. It took less than 5 minutes and i didn't have red, bumping, or anything of the sort. It hurt less than waxing and plucking and i was sold. 
After my amazing experience i went to Strand bookstore and spent 15 dollars on 6 books. I saw Paul Giamatti on the way to the store and almost jumped him. Though he kinda looked like a homeless person all scraggly. I still worship him. 
Mat then met up with me and we went to stand in line for The Colbert report. I know what your thinking, "the writers are on strike and you are supporting these shows", I know, i know, but i couldn't help myself. 
The line wasn't bad, but it was my stupidity in not going to the bathroom earlier that day. Should i mention again the cheese. This was the worst wait in the history of waits, and let me tell you for future notice. The security at The Colbert Report is insane. They leafed through each book, each creases and after 3 1/2 hours of standing in line we were let in. Thank God the show was great, b/c i could see some real drops in ratings if his audiences started to lash out. 
I got to give him a high five, twice. He was very personable and is a great entertainer. His show was much more of a production than the Daily Show, but it made it nice to realize that he really isn't the ass he portrays on screen!
9:30 AM I catch the train to Manhattan, then to NJ and then a plane to ATL. I finally arrive in ATL at 4:30. It was a long trip, but no complaints from me. I am as always, Continentally Blessed. 

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Trouble With NYC is How WICKED it is!

So i arrived in NYC on Friday after departing Atl at 8 AM and finally arriving at Mat's at 1:45PM. It was a long journey, but I feel at home here. I have been toiling with the idea of moving here once  my roommates lease is up at the end of May. Since I am Continentally blessed and blessed with Amazing friends, i may just do that. 
When i moved to LA nothing ever felt right and i just wanted to leave or find a friend i could trust. When i moved to ATL i felt like everything felt right and even though i have had many hardships with a particular friend i have made many friends and connections that i hope to hold on to. But as the years go on something is again just not feeling right. As for NYC, lets face it, You all know that i would be perfect here. : ) It feels incredibly like home. 
On Saturday morning Mat and i tried our luck at the lottery for Wicked! tickets and with no luck of my own we got 26 dollar front row seats. And let me tell you i think i cried through 75 % of the show. Other than being yelled at for taking 3 photos, it was the best feeling actually seeing Wicked! live. 
The rest of Saturday was a bit of a blur since we wanted to stay in the city and meet up with friends and ended up hanging out in Virgin for 2 hours and watching 2 episodes of Flights of the Concord. At this time we were getting tired and irritable, but Andrew (Mat's roommate) brought us to STRAND. A discount bookstore that i could seriously spend every cent at. 
We then find a place that sold amazing Greek food for ridiculously cheap and proceed to a poetry club that Mat and i decided not to spend $5 on. Then the fun of finding the train home at 12:30 AM. The trains change on Saturday night and we knew this, too bad it took us nearly 2  hours to get home! But i loved every moment of it. Still can hear Mat saying " Turn that smile upside down!" -- Yeah we were tired. : )
Sunday we recovered and played cards with Andrew and his friend Ignacio. 
I truly love this city and really wonder if i could make it here! Because i have been able to make it everywhere else.